run like beck

Elizabeth is a United Endurance Sports Academy certified running coach and a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified personal trainer. Her running journey started over a decade ago when she signed up for her first half marathon. Since then, she has developed a passion for running, and has completed everything from a 5k to an ultra marathon.

Art Direction
Brand Creation
Brand Identity
Website Design
Website Development
Digital Creation

Craft the brand identity and website-based experience for a running and fitness consultant with an expressive spirit that focuses on empowering mothers.

After first meeting with Elizabeth, we knew it was essential to capture her vibrancy in the brand. It was then easy to form a color palette of electric blues and greens and a lighting bolt icon. Her energy and motivation to help others achieve their running goals even inspired us to give running a try.

Since the branding launched 6 months ago (June 2023), Elizabeth’s following has doubled on social media and her coaching plans have seen a substantial increase in purchases.

When it came to website development, we knew most of her customers came through social media, so creating a website that gets right to the point was important. Her online experience allows users to easily find running plans, learn tips and tricks for racing, and buy running gear through affiliate codes.